Any company can benefit from automation, monitoring and proactive alerts. Any business, regardless of vertical, will realize efficiency gains from a healthy technology ecosystem. To name just a few, we use our tool stack to perform a volume of managed services such as:

  • Deploy applications
  • Update security patches & Windows feature builds
  • Monitor critical services on a Windows server
  • Encrypt a hard drive
  • Backup a firewall configuration
  • Support change management
  • Run an anti-virus scan
  • Provide traffic insights for an individual switch port
  • Restore a file or entire server from Cloud based backup & Business Continuity

All network elements at every business require monitoring. This level of visibility delivered by the technology services provider allows for identification and resolution of problems prior to an operational impact. While the client may find this helpful during production, the monitoring data needs to be reported and reviewed to identify trends. When a reactive alert is generated, our techs triage, respond and resolve. Proactive alerts are addressed and resolved with business objectives and budget at the forefront.

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